Edible Electronics for Smart Technology Solutions

Shilpa Mehta

As industries evolve, the demand for innovative solutions intensifies, yet challenges persist in harnessing the full potential of edible electronics (EE). From navigating complex interdisciplinary landscapes to overcoming material limitations and technological hurdles, researchers and professionals face a myriad of obstacles in realizing EE's promises. The lack of comprehensive resources further compounds these challenges, leaving many needing more guidance to navigate this dynamic field effectively. Edible Electronics for Smart Technology Solutions serves as a beacon of knowledge and practical insights for those navigating the complexities of EE. This comprehensive guide offers a holistic approach, addressing critical issues such as energy harvesting, materials development, and technological integration. By identifying emerging trends and promoting cutting-edge solutions, the book equips readers with the tools and strategies to overcome challenges and drive innovation.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369355732
  • Publication Date: Oct 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Enhancing Data-Driven Electronics Through IoT

Bhagwan Das

In today's ever-evolving world of electronics engineering and design, professionals face the pressing challenge of effectively integrating the Internet of Things (IoT) technology into electronic devices to enhance their performance and functionality. As the demand for smarter, more connected devices continues to grow, there exists a critical need for comprehensive resources that bridge the gap between theoretical concepts and practical applications of IoT in electronics. Without such guidance, professionals risk falling behind in understanding and harnessing the transformative power of IoT technology. Enhancing Data-Driven Electronics Through IoT emerges as the definitive solution to this pervasive problem. This groundbreaking book offers scholars a roadmap to navigate the complexities of IoT integration in electronic devices, empowering them to unlock new opportunities for innovation and advancement. Through a meticulous exploration of IoT protocols, communication technologies, and data analytics techniques, this book equips scholars with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the rapidly evolving field of electronics engineering.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369354483
  • Publication Date: Oct 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Convergence of Antenna Technologies, Electronics, and AI

Zakia Hammouch

In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, the integration of antenna technologies, electronics, and artificial intelligence (AI) poses a significant challenge: the complexity of these converging domains often surpasses the capacity of traditional educational resources and has been an area of research that is largely understudied. This creates a challenge for researchers attempting to gain a full understanding of the issue, as the lack of cohesive literature that bridges the gaps between these disciplines is significant. Researchers, engineers, and enthusiasts are hampered in their efforts to grasp the full potential of this convergence. Convergence of Antenna Technologies, Electronics, and AI offers a unique perspective to this problem by synthesizing the fundamental principles, cutting-edge advancements, and practical applications of these interconnected domains. This book serves as a comprehensive guide for navigating the complexities of this multidisciplinary frontier. It provides a cohesive framework that not only elucidates the interconnections between antennas, electronics, and AI but also empowers readers to leverage this knowledge in developing transformative innovations.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369337752
  • Publication Date: Aug 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Machine Learning for Environmental Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks

Parikshit N. Mahalle

Today, data fuels everything we do in a highly connected world. However, traditional environmental monitoring methods often fail to provide timely and accurate data for effective decision-making in today's rapidly changing ecosystems. The reliance on manual data collection and outdated technologies results in gaps in data coverage, making it challenging to detect and respond to environmental changes in real time. Additionally, integration between monitoring systems and advanced data analysis tools is necessary to derive actionable insights from collected data. As a result, environmental managers and policymakers face significant challenges in effectively monitoring, managing, and conserving natural resources in a rapidly evolving environment. Machine Learning for Environmental Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks offers a comprehensive solution to the limitations of traditional environmental monitoring methods. By harnessing the power of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and advanced machine learning algorithms, this book presents a novel approach to ecological monitoring that enables real-time, high-resolution data collection and analysis. By integrating WSNs and machine learning, environmental stakeholders can gain deeper insights into complex ecological processes, allowing for more informed decision-making and proactive management of natural resources.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369339404
  • Publication Date: Jul 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Driving Transformative Technology Trends With Cloud Computing

Saikat Gochhait

Modern businesses face a pressing challenge in navigating the complex landscape of cloud computing, 5G, and artificial intelligence (AI) integration. Despite these technologies' transformative potential, businesses often need help with bandwidth, latency, connection density, and cost constraints. This hinders the widespread adoption of cloud computing, limiting its impact on various industries. Driving Transformative Technology Trends With Cloud Computing offers a comprehensive solution for academic scholars seeking to understand and leverage the potential of cloud computing, 5G, and AI integration. By exploring topics such as green cloud computing, edge computing, cloud cryptography, and more, scholars can gain valuable insights into the synergistic effects of these technologies. This book provides a roadmap for leveraging the power of cloud computing and its integration with 5G and AI to drive innovation and growth in academia and beyond. By offering practical insights and strategies, this book equips scholars with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the complexities of modern technology integration and drive meaningful change in their respective fields.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369328699
  • Publication Date: Jun 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

ASME 2020 Proceedings of the International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems (InterPACK2020)

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9780791884041
  • Publication Date: Jun 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Electromagnetic Wave Control Techniques of Metasurfaces and Metamaterials

Jingda Wen

In the ever-evolving landscape of electromagnetic wave control, researchers face the pressing challenge of keeping pace with the rapid advancements in metasurface and metamaterial methods. As these technologies become increasingly integral to various engineering applications, educators and researchers seek a comprehensive resource that outlines the current state of the field and offers insights into its future prospects. Electromagnetic Wave Control Techniques of Metasurfaces and Metamaterials emerges as a timely solution, providing a detailed overview and a forward-looking perspective on wave control research using metasurfaces and metamaterials. With a firm focus on bridging the gap between theory and application, this book meets the critical need for a comprehensive understanding of key topics such as frequency selective surfaces, metasurface and metamaterial absorbers, reflectors, and the integration of deep learning and machine learning in these domains. This book equips readers with the knowledge and tools necessary to tackle real-world challenges in wavefront control, beam steering, and phase control by delving into the intricacies of broadband metasurfaces, metamaterials, and the underlying physics. Furthermore, it explores the unique capabilities of chiral metasurfaces and metamaterials, illuminating their diverse engineering applications and empowering the readers with practical insights.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369325995
  • Publication Date: Jun 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Transformative Integration of Sensors, Controls, and Safety Networks

Revathi S.

As technology advances rapidly, industries grapple with the intricate challenge of seamlessly integrating sensors, controls, and safety networks. The transformative potential of these technologies is evident, promising enhanced efficiency, safety, and reliability across various sectors. However, the pressing issue lies in the need for a comprehensive resource that not only navigates the evolving state of these technologies but also addresses the demand for integrated knowledge. As professionals and researchers in fields such as Control & Computing, Network & Security, VLSI & Embedded Systems, and Sensor and IoT seek a cohesive understanding of these domains, the absence of a consolidated reference becomes a formidable hurdle. Transformative Integration of Sensors, Controls, and Safety Networks steps into this void, offering a compelling solution to the challenge at hand. By collating cutting-edge research and innovative applications, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in sensor technologies, control systems, and safety networks. Tailored to cater to the needs of students, researchers, engineers, and practitioners, it not only illuminates the current advancements but also serves as a catalyst for collaboration and knowledge exchange. As industries grapple with issues like real-time monitoring, machine learning, and adaptive control, this book emerges as a guiding light, offering not just insights but a roadmap for unlocking the transformative potential of these interconnected technologies.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369330920
  • Publication Date: Jun 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

ODE, BVP, and 1D PDE Solvers for Scientific and Engineering Problems With MATLAB Basics

Leonid Burstein

In the academic field, engineers, scientists, educators, and students are faced with a persistent challenge: the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical implementation in solving real-world engineering problems. The scarcity of focused resources tailored to mastering MATLAB® and its specialized solvers for Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) and One-Dimensional Partial Differential Equations (1D PDEs) has left many individuals struggling to bridge this educational chasm. The disconnect between the theory learned in the classroom and the ability to effectively address engineering challenges in the real world has become a significant hurdle. The definitive solution to the academic conundrum of this lack of a focused resource is the book, ODE, BVP, and 1D PDE Solvers for Scientific and Engineering Problems with MATLAB Basics , which draws on years of teaching experience. This groundbreaking book provides a structured and holistic learning path designed to empower both novice learners and seasoned professionals. It takes readers on a comprehensive journey, commencing with the fundamentals of MATLAB® software and culminating in the mastery of its application in solving ODEs and 1D PDEs for a broad range of engineering problems.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781668468500
  • Publication Date: Jun 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Metaheuristics Algorithm and Optimization of Engineering and Complex Systems

Thanigaivelan R.

In the field of engineering, optimization and decision-making have become pivotal concerns. The ever-increasing demand for data processing has given rise to issues such as extended processing times and escalated memory utilization, posing formidable obstacles across various engineering domains. Problems persist, requiring not only solutions but advancements beyond existing best practices. Creating and implementing novel heuristic algorithms is a time-intensive process, yet the imperative to do so remains strong, driven by the potential to significantly lower computational costs even with marginal improvements. This book, titled Metaheuristics Algorithm and Optimization of Engineering and Complex Systems , is a beacon of innovation in this context. It examines the critical need for inventive algorithmic solutions, exploring hyperheuristic approaches that offer solutions such as automating search spaces through integrated heuristics. Designed to cater to a broad audience, this book is a valuable resource for both novice and experienced dynamic optimization practitioners. By addressing the spectrum of theory and practice, as well as discrete versus continuous dynamic optimization, it becomes an indispensable reference in a captivating and emerging field. With a deliberate focus on inclusivity, the book is poised to benefit anyone with an interest in staying abreast of the latest developments in dynamic optimization.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369333143
  • Publication Date: Jun 2024
  • Availability: Not Yet Available - Pre-Order Now

Revolutionizing Healthcare Treatment With Sensor Technology

Sima Das

Traditional patient care and treatment approaches often lack the personalized and interactive elements necessary for effective healthcare delivery. This means that the healthcare industry must find innovative solutions to improve patient outcomes, enhance rehabilitation processes, and optimize resource utilization. There is a gap between the traditional approach and the need for innovation that highlights the importance of a comprehensive understanding of emerging technologies, including Kinect Sensor technology, and the potential to transform healthcare practices with this tech. Revolutionizing Healthcare Treatment With Sensor Technology addresses this critical need by thoroughly exploring how Kinect Sensor technology can revolutionize patient care and treatment methodologies. By repurposing and customizing Kinect Sensor for healthcare applications, this book showcases how depth-sensing cameras, infrared sensors, and advanced motion tracking can capture and interpret real-time patient movements and interactions. This book is ideal for healthcare professionals, hospital administrators, researchers, patients, caregivers, and healthcare technology developers seeking to leverage Kinect Sensor technology for enhanced healthcare delivery. Through detailed case studies and practical examples, experts can learn how to integrate Kinect Sensor into various medical settings to gain valuable insights into patients' physical capabilities, monitor their progress, and create personalized treatment plans.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369327623
  • Publication Date: May 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Sensors for Environmental Monitoring, Identification, and Assessment

Khursheed Ahmad Wani

In our world today, the pervasive threat of air, water, and soil contaminants has reached unprecedented levels, pushing ecosystems to the brink and causing harm to individuals worldwide. Despite numerous attempts by scholars to mitigate this crisis, we find ourselves in the infancy of understanding and combatting these pollutants. The lack of awareness among researchers regarding the types and extent of damage caused by contaminants further exacerbates the problem. This environmental dilemma calls for a transformative solution that not only identifies pollutants but also guides sustainable efforts to cleanse our vital ecosystems. Sensors for Environmental Monitoring, Identification, and Assessment is a groundbreaking book designed to revolutionize environmental research and provide a roadmap for tackling pollution head-on. This comprehensive guide is poised to make a significant impact on scholars, environmentalists, planners, researchers, industrialists, and academics globally. By delving into the diverse realms of environmental sensors, the book equips readers with the knowledge and tools necessary to identify pollutants in varied ecosystems and adopt sustainable approaches for cleanup. Its recommended topics cover critical areas such as indoor pollution, noise pollution, advancements in sensor technology, and the detection of pollutants in soil, water, air, and oceans.

  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9798369347744
  • Publication Date: May 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Sensors for Environmental Monitoring, Identification, and Assessment

Khursheed Ahmad Wani

In our world today, the pervasive threat of air, water, and soil contaminants has reached unprecedented levels, pushing ecosystems to the brink and causing harm to individuals worldwide. Despite numerous attempts by scholars to mitigate this crisis, we find ourselves in the infancy of understanding and combatting these pollutants. The lack of awareness among researchers regarding the types and extent of damage caused by contaminants further exacerbates the problem. This environmental dilemma calls for a transformative solution that not only identifies pollutants but also guides sustainable efforts to cleanse our vital ecosystems. Sensors for Environmental Monitoring, Identification, and Assessment is a groundbreaking book designed to revolutionize environmental research and provide a roadmap for tackling pollution head-on. This comprehensive guide is poised to make a significant impact on scholars, environmentalists, planners, researchers, industrialists, and academics globally. By delving into the diverse realms of environmental sensors, the book equips readers with the knowledge and tools necessary to identify pollutants in varied ecosystems and adopt sustainable approaches for cleanup. Its recommended topics cover critical areas such as indoor pollution, noise pollution, advancements in sensor technology, and the detection of pollutants in soil, water, air, and oceans.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369319307
  • Publication Date: May 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Communication Systems

Manoj Duhan

  • Imprint: TechSar
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9788197069574
  • Publication Date: Mar 2024
  • Availability: Temporarily out of stock: Usually despatched in 14-18 days

Internet of Things

V. Jeyalakshmi

  • Imprint: TechSar
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9789390620487
  • Publication Date: Mar 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

Wireless Sensor Networks

Siladitya Sen

  • Imprint: TechSar
  • Format: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9789390620494
  • Publication Date: Mar 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5-7 Working Days

New Insights on Oscillators and Their Applications to Engineering and Science

José M. Balthazar

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9781803561912
  • Publication Date: Mar 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

AIoT and Smart Sensing Technologies for Smart Devices

Fadi Al-Turjman

The rapid advancement of IoT and smart technologies poses significant challenges for academic scholars, including meeting new requirements such as reliability, quality of service, and energy efficiency. AIoT and Smart Sensing Technologies for Smart Devices , edited by Fadi ALTURJMAN, offers an invaluable solution by serving as a knowledge hub that brings together diverse research and professional contributions. This comprehensive book enables scholars to delve into topics like IoT-oriented applications, sustainable development, machine learning, and wireless networks, providing the necessary insights to navigate the complexities of IoT and smart technologies. Targeted at experts, researchers, and students, this book equips readers with the understanding needed to tackle the challenges in this dynamic field. Covering areas such as IoT paradigms, network security, machine learning approaches, and wireless network protocols, it serves as a guide for unlocking the potential of AIoT. With this resource, scholars can stay informed, explore innovative approaches, and actively contribute to the advancement of AIoT and smart technologies, making it a compelling solution for those grappling with the complexities of this transformative field.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369307861
  • Publication Date: Feb 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Bio-Inspired Optimization Techniques in Blockchain Systems

U. Vignesh

In the dynamic landscape of bioinformatics and blockchain technology, a profound challenge is evident: ensuring secure exchange and analysis of complex biological data while maintaining data integrity and ownership. Traditional methods fall short in seamlessly transferring genomic data, spurring the fusion of blockchain innovation and optimization algorithms as a groundbreaking solution. Biology-Inspired Optimization Techniques in Blockchain Systems directly addresses the data integrity and ownership dilemma in bioinformatics and blockchain. Despite the intricacies of genomic data, blockchain's potential solution faces obstacles like data volume and slow transactions. These challenges are adeptly overcome through optimization algorithms. The book, authored by experts in bioinformatics, blockchain, and optimization, offers a comprehensive guide, showcasing how blockchain architecture and biological data intricacies can harmonize. It provides a blueprint for using blockchain to store genomic variants and aligned reads. This work empowers developers, data scientists, and researchers to overcome technological barriers, redefining the landscape of bioinformatics and beyond.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369311318
  • Publication Date: Feb 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days

Applications and Principles of Quantum Computing

Alex Khang

In a world driven by technology and data, classical computing faces limitations in tackling complex challenges like climate modeling and financial risk assessment. These barriers impede our aspirations to revolutionize industries and solve intricate real-world problems. To bridge this gap, we must embrace quantum computing. Edited by Alex Khang PH, Principles and Applications of Quantum Computing is a transformative solution to this challenge. It delves into the interdisciplinary realms of computer science, physics, and mathematics, unveiling the incredible potential of quantum computing, which outperforms supercomputers by 158 million times. This technology, rooted in quantum mechanics, offers solutions to global problems and opens new frontiers in AI, cybersecurity, finance, drug development, and more. By engaging with this book, you become a pioneer in the quantum revolution, contributing to reshaping the limits of what's achievable in our digital age.

  • Format: Hardback
  • ISBN: 9798369311684
  • Publication Date: Feb 2024
  • Availability: In Stock - Despatched Within 5 Working Days